Human Corruption

Corruption has three main parts to it. The Corruption itself, the initial transformation, and subsequent episodes. It presents itself differently for everyone, with varying levels of severity.

STAGE ONE is the initial Corruption. To achieve the desired effects, the Bishops took Voidstalker "blood" and isolated its shapeshifting properties whilst reducing its toxicity, allowing it to merge with living cells once it enters a host. Once inside, it assimilates with a small number of cells and triggers a response that results in rapid cell death throughout the body in waves, with the altered cells reproducing and taking the place of the dead ones. This process can take up to two days, and leaves the body more flexible and open to shapeshifting in some respects. Some die during this stage. Most of the Corrupted don't remember this stage or the next.

STAGE TWO is the first transformation. Most Corruption takes the form of an animal, with the vulture being the most common. Other animals like lions or cheetahs or really anything are possible too, as well as non-animal Corruptions, but those are very rare. This is the stage with the highest likelihood of death, whether it be from shock, blood loss, accidental injuries, or a myriad of all of those. About a third of all the Corrupted have died in this stage. It lasts for a week on average, wherein the first few days are spent sitting around with not many changes happening. The remainder of the time isn't well known, due to a memory gap almost all of the Corrupted have. What is known is that they enter what can be summed up to "survival mode." This is what creates both the memory gap and the aggression seen during the last few days of the initial transformation and in the days after.

STAGE THREE is the final stage, and it's permanent. Once the blind hostility from the tail end of Stage Two subsides, they're now fully Corrupted. If they are not taken back by the Banditos or escape on their own, they are usually thrown out into Trench, having gotten what they so badly desired. But they're alone and now they have to deal with their Corruption by themselves. The Corruption can be triggered by many things that one would deem stressful, and more often than not when it gets triggered the Corrupted re-enters that "survival" state of mind until the body deems itself safe again. There are smaller groups, maybe 5-10 people each, of Corrupted living out deep in Trench. Some die after being released into the wilderness, not everyone is capable of surviving on their own. Others can't take the stress. And others are lucky enough to find company with the Banditos.

Below is a progression chart for Corruption, using Tyler as an example:

Voidstalker Corruption

Different species are affected differently, though. For Voidstalkers, if they are successfully or even just partially Corrupted, theirs will appear as their normal selves but on overdrive, essentially. Additionally, since they do not have the same instinct clash that humans deal with, Corrupted Voidstalkers have the same stress-induced episodes, but they vary slightly to humans'.

you found the third margin text congrats i guess