He/they - 19 - Aroace Agender

Voidstalker/Bonetail hybrid

Indirectly Corrupted

Formation Day: May 17th

Curious and a bit chaotic, very introverted. Believes he is undeserving of happiness and pushes people away because they believe it will protect them from getting hurt again. very resilient, too paranoid for his own good. Spooky's best friend/younger sibling. Likes fall, plants, and furry textures. Has absolutely terrible fine motor skills. A bit clingy. Additional info here .


He/him - 20 - Aroace Nonbinary Demiboy


Partially Corrupted

Formation Day: March 16th

The golden retriever to Blurry's black cat. Extroverted, loves to ramble about space and the world around him, as well as the one he left behind. Very protective of his friends and can get aggressive. Can't stand rain and gore. Very good at drawing, especially from his surroundings. Blurry's best friend/older sibling. The catalyst for the main story. Additional info here .


He/him - 35 - Cishet Male



Birthday: December 1st

Like the Tyler Joseph we know, but his corruption only made his already chaotic nature worse. The co-leader of the Banditos, and the unwilling host of Clancy's soul. Tyler's Corruption immediately led to the other Corrupted coming out of hiding within the Banditos. He and Blurry used to despise each other, but both have learnt what they did wrong and are trying their best to fix things. A bit intimidating and pretty blunt.


He/him - 36 - Cishet Male


Birthday: June 18th

We all know him, we all love him, he's Josh Dun on the drums. But he's also the Torchbearer, the leader of the Banditos. Being a leader is difficult on its own, and Josh is lucky he has Tyler alongside him to help lead this cycle. Determined now more than ever to break the cycle and take down Dema, as well as figuring out just how they got to where they are now. He's still getting a hang of his abilities though.


He/it - 15 - ?

Portal Guardian

Formation Day: January 22nd

He may look like one of the other Neds of Voldsoy at first glance, but don't get it confused. When Blurry & Spooky arrived on Voldsoy, a portal was created. Every door needs a key, and Ned fufills the role of that key. The portal will not open without it present and willing to let whoever wants to enter in. He's spent too much time around Tyler, and as a result has become quite mischevious, as well as gaining a distrust towards Blurry. Tyler doesn't believe him when Blurry tells him about that last bit, though.


They/them - ? - ?

Ghost (Formerly human)

Partially Corrupted

Birthday: June 21st

The definition of a vengeful spirit. Sometime after Levitate, they were Corrupted but died during the process, leaving their ghost to wander Trench until they ended up on Voldsoy with the Neds and another deceased lost soul simply called Ghost. They felt drawn there, for some reason they can't explain. Ever since their death, they have been consumed by rage towards the Bishops. They did this to them. Over time, forgot what they looked like in life, and is convinced Tyler stole their body and is trying to use his body to enact their revenge.


It/they - 4 - Aroace Kenochoric Glitchcoric Gendervoid

Corporeal Virus/Partial Shapeshifter

Creation Date: June 15th

They were created for the sole purpose of finishing Blurry's "job", and they are bound and determined to do anything they possibly can to get closer to achieving that goal. And what happens if they succeed? They know. And they're looking forward to it, despite how others might feel about that sort of fate. But if you hear distorted or creepy music in the woods late at night, it's probably coming from 004. Don't call it that to its face, though. It seriously believes itself to be the superior entity between itself and Blurry.